Good Friday

March 29, 2024 6:30 pm

No Greater Love

Why do they call Good Friday… Good? The death of Jesus is known as one of the greatest injustices in history. Jesus was illegally tried. Innocent, Jesus was condemned to die the most brutal death. A slave’s death. A criminal’s death. It was a public display of shame and was meant to be a warning to all who passed by–if you break our laws–this is your fate. The cross was a display of public shame.

The author of Hebrews said about the cross: For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Good Friday is not good because of the shame Jesus faced, or the brutality endured. Good Friday is GOOD because of the work Jesus accomplished on the cross. Good Friday is GOOD because it was Jesus’ joy to accomplish that work. Good Friday is GOOD because Jesus willfully laid his life down as a ransom, paying the debt to purchase back you and me.

Join us in person and online as we focus on the work of Jesus–as we meditate on the truth that in Jesus there is “No Greater Love…”